23 September 2012

Galaxy Mini CyanMobile eXperience - Stable Release

So far, the best Custom ROM I know for Galaxy Mini. It has all features, tweaks you can ever think of. I didn't experienced any bugs while I was using it. The battery life is really good, if we consider the possibilities of this ROM. I use it for daily use.
Changelog: Watch the video instead. ===>

Download and flash
  1. Download update-CyanMobile-eXperience-GalaxyMini-20130107-Release.
  2. Copy the downloaded file to the SD Card on your phone.
  3. Go to Recovery Mode.
  4. Do a nandroid backup of your current ROM, just in case some things go wrong.
  5. Wipe Date & Cash.
  6. Flash the Rom (update-CyanMobile-eXperience-GalaxyMini-20130107-Release).
  7. Flash Gapps (gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip).
  8. Reboot your device.
I think you will enjoy this Custom ROM as much as I do. If you have some questions you can leave a comment and I will replay. Like the developer says: Play more with this ROM.  xD


  1. This Is support S2E???

  2. Hello, can this work for the galaxy 5?

    1. No, the developer, Squadzone, hasn't made a port for the mentioned device.

  3. It's Can't make a new account for accessing the play store,calendar,and many default apps was missing

    1. Tell me exactly what you did with your phone before this happened

  4. please update the link with latest version

  5. Is there a possibility to remove the bottom row(settings, i don't know)?

    1. If you meant the virtual navigation buttons, yes. Go to Settings>CyanMobile Settings> Tablet tweaks and deselect "Bottom Navigation Bar"

  6. which cynogen version themes will work for this rom?????

  7. which is the best rom which has best battery life

  8. What is the md5 checksum of this one? And how many minutes did it take on the first boot?

    1. I do not know the md5 checksum but I think it is not even important, the boot time is around 5 or less, I've tested dozens of ROMs so I can't remembar.

    2. I've tried to install this rom and I waited for 30 mins and its still stuck on the cyanmobile logo.:3 I've wiped dalvik, data and cache before and after installing the rom, and it's still like that.:3 Any help?

    3. I'll make a video tutorial how to flash this ROM as soon as I can. By the way, it looks like you bricked your phone. But don't worry, it's a soft brick, not a hard one so you lost the battle but the war is still not over. I'll upload a tutorial in the next 12 hours.

  9. Replies
    1. Like I promised: http://goo.gl/J3jlx

    2. Thanks for the video man. I already installed it successfully!:D Anyway, I've found a new version of the cwm recovery. Is it safe to update? I think its version 5.+.

  10. Hi loving this rom! how do you make the radio to be local

  11. can i Use CPU overclocking and memory Swap in this Rom?

    1. I think the newest release has that options.

  12. Replies
    1. Yes, all Gingerbread (2.3) based custom ROMs have working camera.

    2. bạn cài bản Gingerbread nào để flash vậy?

    3. I used CWM to flash it, if I undestanded the question correctly.

  13. I used to be restarted several times

  14. I have gingerbread 2.3.4 installed n my galaxy mini. Is it ok if I installed this rom ? Are there any drawbacks in it ? Please send the reply in my email : saymigaurav@gmail.com

  15. I have just flashed this custom ROM in my galaxy mini just a couple of minutes ago and so far so good! I've been putting up with the Minisense v4 ROM for quite some time thinking that it is a stable ROM until I came across your blog. Thank God the wifi now works! :) Appreciate the video and the tutorial and your review of different ROMS. Only constructive feedback I could give is that you could be more thorough in the instructions but readers could always use Google for more information. Thanks man! Hope you'd continue reviewing SGM ROMs! :)


    1. Tnx for the nice comment you left, but WFT is wrong with the mentioned blog at the end of your comment. The blog starts to reload itself again and again and it never loads itself.
      <== SPAM

  16. hey update file doesn't download after 42.6 mb whats wrong??

  17. I have tried it more than 12 times but it always gets stuck at 42.6mb the gapps downloads completely but update file doesn't. Please check it.

  18. Hey its still the same it gets stuck at 42.6 mb even if i leave it that way its still the same for hours

  19. i have some problem on the cyan mobile rom
    some games auto closes whenever i open them

  20. Music player not working(FC when i hit play) status bar not showing up whatever i do

  21. Hi Stefan!
    Have tried a # of custom ROMs on a number android phones/devices, and i can't still digest the sheer enormity of this particular 1; Kudos to SQUADZONE!! Google shuld hire him (if not yet!!).

  22. Radi li google play (market)????

    1. Da, naravno da radi :) ali ja preeporucujem da koristis google market a ne play jer je dosta sporiji

  23. Brate Stefane,
    Kad smo vec kod marketa, kako da ostane market a da se automatski ne pojavi google play? Inace, batice, spasao si me sa ovim rom-om, ne skidam ga sa fona vec dugo vremena, a probao sam sve moguce, pa cak i minisense v4 kod koga ne radi wifi :-)
    Samo nastavi ovaj blog, svasta covek nauci. Pozz

    1. Gapps sa starim marketom, koji je barem 10x brzi od Play prodavnice. Inace na novijim verzijam Androida on je dosta brzi od stare verzije, ali na GB jedva radi.
      Pozdrav :)

    2. Hvala na brzom odgovoru! A da li moram prvo da vajp data i kesh u recovery modu pa tek onda da flesujem stare google aplikacije? Izvini na smaranju, ali ja sam pomalo pocetnik u svemu ovome :-)

    3. Trebalo bi sve da flesujes od pocetka pa tek onda pomenuti GApps paket.
      Inace, svi emejlovi mi stizu na fon koji je stalno kucnom WiFi mrezi pa svaki komentar vidim posle 15ak minuta.

  24. I follow all steps and no errors in any steps but when I rebooted the phone it doesn't start cyanmobile. when I rebooted I just see
    my phone just stuck there. what is problem

    1. repeat the process, it may take some time to boot.
